Let’s Chat

I will be jumping for joy to get back to you! I still have dates available for 2023. Let’s Party!


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Link to read me page with more information.

Preferred Vendor List

My Favorite Wedding Vendors



-Adrian White https://www.adrianewhitephotography.com

-Brandon Scott https://brandonscottphoto.co

-Katie Monroe https://www.kreatephotography.com/

-Derek & Kayla (preferred vender discount) https://derekandkayla.com

Hair and Makeup 

-Anna Wu https://www.faustsalon.com/

DJ’s and Live Music

-Harry & the Hitmen https://www.harryandthehitmen.com

-Caity Watson/ CHERRY AUDIO https://www.cherryaudiodj.com/

-Santa Cruz DJ company https://www.santacruzdj.com

-Golden Bell hello@goldenbellmusic.com DJ + LIVE HORN AND DRUM

-Robbin Applewood https://www.robinapplewood.com/

-Laurel Thomsen (831) 224-0913 Violin and Guitar


-Paul Corsentino (California organic farm to table cuisine) paulrcorsentino@gmail.com

-Hanloh Thai Food https://www.hanloh.com/contact-us

-Mattia Pizza  (669) 236-9182

-Sleight of Hand Pizza  1(805) 909-1242 sleightofhandpizza@gmail.com

-Savory Event’s https://www.savoryevents.net

-Angela Blessing angela@angelablessing.com 831-600-5013

-Far Out Catering faroutcatering@gmail.com

-Five Course Provisions info@fivecourseprovisions.com

-Louie Smoky Trails BBQ Louie@louiessmokeytrails.com

Florist and Decor

-Do Right Farm dorightflowers@gmail.com

-Wild Iris christina@wildirisfloral.com

-Apis Floral e@apisfloral.com

Shuttle service 

-AITS https://www.aitstransportation.com/events


-Waterfall Lodge https://www.waterfallsantacruz.com

-Barnes at Cooper Mollera https://coopermolerabarns.com

-HOME Soquel http://www.homesoquel.com

-Perry House Charlene@eventsbyclassic.com


-Felton Guild Kathy Topusidis (831) 588-5956 contact@feltonguildweddings.com


-Spirits & Nature https://www.spiritsandnature.com

-Tip Top Taps Apryl & Kyle Richardson (530) 802-6843

-Tap Truck aptrucksc@gmail.com

-Bubbly Bar (408)422-9954 chefkyleknies@gmail.com

Unique Rentals

-Event Scapes  https://eventscapesinc.com/services/

-Seventh Heaven https://seventhheavenvintage.com/collection

-Classic car rentals https://www.montereytouringvehicles.com/all-vehicles/

-Mini Golf Lanes https://www.putterscountryclub.com/mini-golf-rental-and-delivery

Bouquet Preservation

-Rejoice And Blossom (preserving wedding bouquets in resin) rejoiceandblossomart@gmail.com

-Fractal Flora https://www.fractalflora.com  (650)314-9853 (located in San Jose / preserved pressed and framed)


-Art on Wheels Childcare Service artonwheelsmontereykids.com