Let’s Chat

I will be jumping for joy to get back to you! I still have dates available for 2023. Let’s Party!


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I’m here to nimbly guide you through the wedding planning process. From rehearsal to wedding to brunch, for zero to 300 guests, I’m here for you every step of the way!

Now Booking For 2026!



No matter which package you choose or the type of event, you are guaranteed to gain a friend who will make sure everything is done with the highest regard to execute your soiree. Every time I plan an event, I take the same care as if it was my own. I work hard to design creative solutions that fit your taste and budget.

photos by Adriane White Photography

Her input was invaluable when planning the wedding, but she was an absolute fairy godmother on the wedding day. I actually got to enjoy my entire wedding because I knew Jules was keeping everything running smoothly and making sure everything went to plan.
— Gina (Waterfall Lodge Wedding)